Beware of crappy english. It all started like almost everything does – with an idea. Ive had it in my mind for some time to make a cake with either numbers or letters. Just couldnt figure out what to ”write” inside the cake. Until AC Milan (my favorite footballteam) beat Hellas Verona (1-3) and people on social media complained about Stephan El Shaarawy and his lack of goals and also that he would hopefully celebrate his upcoming birthday with scoring some goals. Somewhere down the road I decieded to bake a 92-cake. There were a lot of failures making the cake – most of them beeing that the colourscheme was wrong. I settled (angry) for the pinkish and brown. I wasn’t happy with the final cake but something that had been dead for a long time inside of me woke up and suddenly I was planning what to bake for the next game inspired by AC Milan and their opponents and the Milan-bakeproject™ had been created. Stephan El Shaarawy didnt score any of the upcoming games (Milan-Fiorentina 1-1, Cagliari-Milan 1-1) but the baking made me happy – so thank you SES!

Didnt have time to bake something for Milan-Palermo (0-2) even if I really wanted too. How can anyone deny the pink Palermo? The focus was on Sampdoria – Milan. This time I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do but I had to find the right type of cookie and icing. Spent a whole day of icing the &@€$€{”#¤%&¤£${#&/¤! cookies, swearing, sweating.. but ~60 mins before kickoff I was done. Settling in front of the tv watching the teams enter the pitch I realized I had made a hugh mistake. It was not a game at San Siro. I had been icing sampdoriaplayers in awayshirts (gaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!). At least I was quite satisfied about some of the milanplayers like El Shaarawy and the smiling De Jong. I guess it had to be El Sha because of the hair. Even my mom (that probably never had watched a whole footballgame in her entire life (except that one back in 1999 at Wembley with me – Arsenal facing the Swedish team AIK (((AND FUCK YEAH!! ARSENAL WON))) … *cuts memory lane* .. Even my mom manage to point SES out on tv, not knowing anything about him or Milan just based on my cookies. I guess once you see his pointy hair you’ll never forget. Anyhow after the inital awayshirtfail El Shaarawy manage to score. His first in 622 days. The game ended 2-2 and I just couldnt manage to eat the cookies so they are now saved in a box.

After the game it was a two week nationalteam gathering. Booooring. I spent some time in Amsterdam and got home right in time for Derby Della Madonnina (AC Milan – Inter Milan). It was frustrating baking, shooting and also eating the cakes. Also it was a drew (1-1) Blah!

Milan – Udinese (2-0) created a whole new dimension of problems. One part of the problem was that I couldnt figure out a single ingredient that were white and I really wanted to bake something black and white. I had been thinking for like 3 days about it when a person at my work that mentioned coconut. GOD BLESS YOU! A cheesecake with blueberries and coconuts were made and eaten about that white colour…
December was a strange month for Milan. They had been playing kinda so-so for some time and now it was time to face those teams doing waaaaay better. Social media was drowning in doom-messages and of course about the upcoming mercato (playertransfer-thingy). Except the twitts about how this was gonna be the worst month eeeeever a lot of the messages were the mocking the player Bonera and his performance. There was no end to the mocking when some local bakers delivered some yulelogs with pinepple and Bonera was the player to recieve them. I choose to go with the mocking pineapple-trend (yeah Im bad what can I say) and make macroons with pineapplefilling. Game between Genoa and Milan ended in a loss for Milan (1-0).

Next team was the team I had feared and dreaded for about 1 ½ month – Napoli. Not because they were playing well but because of the way they appear. Lightblue. Shirts, shorts, emblem, eeeeeeeverything is (satan’s colour of hate) lightblue. Which is utter shit since nothing edible in the real world colours lightblue. I made coloured meringues but I wasnt happy at all and threw them out.

One of all those accounts i follow on twitter – rossoneri-tv was really happy about their 2k followers so I decieded to bake a pie in their honor. It was fun trying to cut out the pattern for the tv. Maybe I’ll redo it someday.
Like I wrote earlier I wasn’t happy with my meringues for the napoligame and threw them out. Only hours before the actual game I baked some checker-cakes. Milan seemed happy and manged to win 2-0 and who can not be happy when there are cookies?
Days before christmas it was time for Milan to face Roma. I wanted to bake something brutal. .. Yeah right … cakes beeing brutal.. Lol. Christmas very much beeing associated with movie premieres I was dreaming back of the time when Lord of the Rings was airing (like a million years ago -2001-2003). And somehow that translated into the second movie ”the two towers” and two towers turned into two teams facing eachother.. For those who actully read the books or seen the movie are free to be like ”but arent the two towers evil and refering to the one where Sauroman lives and Sauron’s tower in Mordor, the one with the EYE ( o )?” Yes that is very true … Now lets move on … Brutal carrotcakes with orangecream is the result. Take that Saruon! The game? 0-0.

Last game of the year had been planned for like a million years and was a giant PR-event im sure the players enjoyed it very much beeing away from their families during the holidays. Not. For us fans it was drooling-time thinking of old Milan and also watching Cristiano Ronaldo, Gareth Bale and Nacho(! yummie!) play. Not sure where Milan pulled their strenght from but they won 4-2. The cake in the ”right” colours red and black (lets face it i cant dye everything) was inspired entirely by Ronaldo: too much going on that cant be explained, delicatess and waaaaaaaaay over the top.

Milan – Sassuolo 1-2 (Seria A) M-Sassuolo 2-1 (cuppa Italia). Some colours are more inspirational then others and I must admit it was love at first sight seeing the green and black stripes of Sassuolo. Which also made me realize I have a softspot for stripes when it comes to footballshirts. Milan and Sassuolo arent the only stripes i like.. Pie below is lime and not slime..

The teams met twice. The first one was in the league where Milan lost (1-2) and the other one in the cup Milan managed to win (2-1. miracle I tell you). For the league apperance I made cupcakes with creamcheese frosting and for the cup I made a lemon/lime meringuepie.

After the Sassuolo games Milan was facing Torino (1-1). I had a hard time figure out what to do.. Stole my own idea with the lemonmeringuepie but this time dyed it red and made a chocolate crust to get the red and black theme. Easy way out. Milan didnt had it easy and struggled. The game ended 1-1. Most happy note about it was seeing the swede Alexander Farnerud! There are some swedes in Serie A. Gotta keep track.

One of the biggest ””””problems”””” with Serie A is the colour blue. Its not hard dyeing batter. I just like it when you just by looking at something figure out what you are actully eating. Most people think of strawberries and raspberries when asked about red. But blue? Not even blueberries are blue. The cookies used for Atalanta were vanilla and chocolate. Red and blue vanilla imagine that.. I think my dough could read the future since it didnt wanna work with me. So no suprise when Milan lost 0-1.
Milan – Atalanta 0-1 was a sad story in so many ways. Atalanta playing in dark blue – impossible colour, my cookiepress broke, I was working = missing the game, the backup-cake got totally murdered by the overheated Bombe .. so there was no suprise when Milan lost. But I had a lot of cookies for comfort. Helicopter? Berlusconis helicopter with the crazy nickname Berlucopter (haha what else)!
After the miserable game against Atalanta Milan was to meet Lazio x2 first in the league and also the cup. Since Lazio are a shitty team who play in lightblue I had already decieded to ignore them and bake something in the true red and black. It was the best bakingweek I’ve ever had. I had it all planned and it took about 4 days to complete. I had to test two types of muffins/cupcakes, I got a severe burn on my hand and I had to use 1,7 kilograms of sugar to make the decoration but it was sooooo worth it. Although the muffins were f-ing fantastic they couldn’t save Milan who lost 1-3. Im sad the photos arent showing enough of the epicness going on with the candy and muffins!

As if loosing 1-3 wasnt bad enough and Milan would face Lazio again I got really sick. Like, lying in the bed planning for the funeral-sick and then the news about Stephan El Shaarawys injured foot… My bakeproject-inspiration-grinta-person was down! First thought was to make something based on death feet but every idea I had was just too depressing. Also he seems to be one of those people that never gives up so I wanted to make something I would’ve want if I was sad and down and injured. It also helped alot with inspiration when someone wrote ”Do it for Stephan” on twitter. When I finally figured it out it took me about 2 mins to draw the plans. But as always result wasnt very pretty haha. One day which probably is far far far away im gonna make a cake actully looking the way I planned it. One day…

Milan – Parma 3-1 – I had lots of problems before finally finding something that got the colourscheme I wanted. As written in the bloggpost it was all about inital thought of HAAAAAAAM. Until I found broken. Broken cookies for Parma fighting for their economic survival. 🙁

Juventus – Milan 3-1 – A wellprepped cake turned hideous and ugly while beeing a cheesecake. Broke my heart since the pattern and how to create it had been in my mind for over 3 months. Not a straight line in sight but the taste was beyond deliscious! Not sure who’s head it is ? lol!

Milan – Empoli 1-1 – Valentines day so it had to be a heart, right? Chocolatemousse with raspberrygel on a browniecake. The game wasnt filled with love but at least it wasnt a lose.

Milan – Cesena 2-0 – Chef from South Park sang it first – Suck on my chocolate salty balls… Although no salt in these. A typical swedish cookie for children: chokladbollar. I didnt manage to get the coconut in red but my fellow eaters forgave me.

Just like last month I baked some extrastuff inbetween games, also in black & red. Like these linzer-wannabe-cookies. I dont think I’ve ever eaten so much cookiedough as I did with these ones – roasted hazelnuts, chunks of chocolate and divine divine divine batter.

Milan – Chievo 0-0 – Not sure whats worse. My cakes or the game. Tasted very good thou but was not served anywhere.

If the player Nacho in Real Madrid makes you hungry, there is no Swedish person that doesnt re-read the name Kaká a couple of times with a smile. Even when I was young and innocent and all that, he was my favorite, not because of his way of playing but his name. Kaka in swedish translates to cookie, yes cookie! How can you not love a man named cookie? Kaká the cookieman! <3

Milan – Hellas Verona /hell-ass/ 2-2. In the beginning of the week I baked this aaaaaaaaaaamazing chocolate raspberry spongecake that was to die for. My eaters (collegues) were having that eyes-up-their-head-look doing sounds like mmmmmmm! and mmmmhhhmmmooo! So that had to be some sort of omen of good things to come. Saturday afternoon I wanted something to actully eat myself for the game and made these raspberry/choco meringues. To add the swedish Verona-look (yellow and blue) I also made some lemon curd and added some blackberries ontop. It had potential but every single photo was like looking at Palettas hair, you wanna look away but you cant 😉 I should’ve learned by now that if something I make turns out really ugly, the game will be the same. After the game was over it took me about 5 extra minutes to close my mouth. Did that just happend…?

Fiorentina – Milan 2-1. Blueberry pie. It was as close to purple I could get and the two tries I had with the pie almost made me leave Milan and go Fiorentina-fan. The pie was something to die for and I could eat it every week for the next season, not that I would wanna leave Milan its just this pie was so excellent, cant be that bad to have a lover-team on the side? no?

The game itself was nice to watch, but the yellow awayshirts or is it neongreen(?) shirts and Fiorentinas purple shirts made me think of a swedish coffebrand named Löfbergs Lila.

Some things makes this world a better and brigther place. A ”semla” for example, a swedish pastry traditionally eaten the day before the start of lent. The normal version contains cardamom and almondpaste but since this was made for a aniversary. I made mine rossoneristyle.

Milan – Cagliari 3-1. All clouded with the tension/drama outside the arena. Curva Sud, fans of Milan, wanted milanfans to stay out of the arena and not buy any more merchandise. This to show the management that the fans were dissapointed and demanding some changes. The players need support not more tension. Milan won the game and there was a two week long wait for next game because of international games. Italy faced Bulgaria (2-2) and England (1-1) in a friendly. Since Sweden were facing Iran in a friendly and that made 3 countries with the flagcolorcombo green, red and white I decieded to make one milan-inspired red and black applepie and one greenredwhite applepie.

Palermo – Milan 1-2 (Cerci, Menez). Dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum… Peaches comes from a can. They were put there by a man.. Can peaches ever be eaten without the Potusoa song Peaches? No. The game was played during easter which is normally fluffy bunnies, family, chickens and eggs but this easter it also contained the best team of them all: Palermo with all the fab pink shirts and that inspiring emblem! Amen to Jesus (Suso?) and all that, finally an easy colour to bake and Milan won, how great wasnt that!

Milan- Sampdoria 1-1 (De Jong). The one and only inspiration that evolved around the game was Ferrero. The crazy (in a good way) owner of Sampdoria named Ferrero and the candy (Ferrero Rocher). I was dissapointed Sampdoria didn’t play in their white away-kits since I wanted to re-use my mancakes from the clash back in november. Re-use kinda means repost since I was incautious and dropped the cookie jar some time ago and all the players got pretty badly injured/died except for El Shaarawy, not sure how he manage to survive the fall but he did and is now rehabilitating in my kitchenwindow.

The heartbroken cookie-crush-death ended with the famous dialogue from The Sixth sense: ”I see injured Milanplayers! -When do you see them? ”-All the time”
Inter – Milan 0-0. Felt like Inter lost 2 points and Milan won one. Such a sad game. I had fought for weeks to get my cake ready. So many obstacles, so many frustrating hours and it was by far the worst and toughest cake I’ve ever baked.

Udinese – Milan 2-1 (Pazzini) 🙁 Cookies when needed! I was drained after an awful week at work and the initial thought of making mousse was replaced with white and black cookies. But no cookies in the world could’ve saved Milan from losing. One thing that will be remembered from the game was the construction going on at the stadim. No audience was visable. It was eerie and also sad that what would be remembered was nothing from the game.

Milan – Genoa 1-3 (Mexes). End of april, end of the Berlusconi-era? Also it was the end of one of my favorite springforms. My mom lost it somewhere in Stockholm. Im hoping that the new owner (if there will Bee one hehe) will be as good as my new springform. Cake was great. Game was not.

Napoli – Milan 3-0. Ive said it Before, lightblue is not my favorite colour when it comes to baking also Im not a fan of Napoli. Can’t say I feel any better after their victory. Although I had a friend that was showing cupcakes of the cookiemonster so the inspiration was basically me, but blue. Haha – blueberrycake.

Milan – Roma 2-1 (Destro, Van Ginkel). I had high hopes for my cake this week. You just cant go wrong with oranges in cakes. Oranges has also by me been elected the fruit of Roma, used oranges last time they faced eachother. I was thinking that Milan would be having an awful game so I really needed something good to eat. Sugar is sometimes your best friend but apparantly Milan was my best friend this week. Also it was nice seeing the new shirts even thou grey aint really a favorite colour. – Ambrosiacake.

Sassuolo – Milan 3-2. My mother asked which of the games had been the most expensive one to bake when we were eating this pear-pie. I really didnt wanna answer that. Mothers give you that look of ”are you out of your mind” if doing something silly and how silly hasnt this project been? and the amounts spent? :S For this game the pie had these amounts: pears: 2€, hazelnuts: 2,5€, mascarpone 2,8€ and thats just above eggs, flour, cacao and butter… So far the single most expensive ingredient used must’ve been the Milan-Real Madrid chocolate – Guy Lian seashells €30, not to mention that special cherryjam… Im still not sure if thats the most pricey, it could be the Inter-Milan dome cake, the jam, colouring, chocolate and raspberries was probably way over 45€. Oh God I dont wanna think about it at all. Anyway Sassuolo needed something green and black so instead of using apples to get the green I used pears. The pearpie was epic, game not so much.

Milan – Torino 3-1. For the longest time I was thinking of making something with oranges but couldn’t find the right type of cake. Also it had to be special since oranges had been used not long ago and it was my birthday. Somehow I stumbled across a cake often eaten at bakeries here in Sweden – Budapestrulle (I think the English translation would be roulade). Whipped cream with fresh fruits rolled into a thin layer of nutty meringue. My twist was of course using Milans colorscheme with black (chocolate) and red (raspberries). How can I not mention what a great weekend this was? Sweden winning the eurovision songcontest (YAY Måns!!) and also having it topped with Milan winning, El Shaarawy back and scoring not only once but twice?

Last game of the season. Its been a long season. I guess it would’ve felt short if it were filled with more winnings, more beautiful football, less injuries and more smiley faces. The chocolatecookies topped with rhubarb-curd, a little sour and sweet makes a perfect ending on this season. How to sum it all up? Sometimes this project has been nothing but hell, other times it has been sweet, deliscious and happiness. I really hope next season will be a better one, filled with good football, nice results and winnings! Forever Forza Milan! <3